Top 7 Most Cat Breeds That Behave Like Dogs

Written By: Mudassir Ali

Maine Coons are known for their dog-like personalities, often following their owners around the house and even playing fetch.

Maine Coon

Ragdolls are famous for their docile and laid-back nature, much like that of a loyal canine. These gentle giants enjoy being held and even respond to their names.


Siberian cats are highly intelligent and trainable, making them more like dogs than typical felines. They are known to enjoy interactive play and can even learn tricks.


Bengals are energetic and curious cats that love to explore their surroundings, similar to adventurous dogs. They enjoy interactive toys and games.


Burmese cats are affectionate and sociable creatures that crave human interaction, much like dogs. They are known to greet their owners.


Abyssinians are active and playful cats that enjoy interactive play and can even be trained to walk on a leash. Their high energy levels and outgoing personalities.


Siamese cats are known for their vocal nature and strong attachment to their owners, resembling the loyalty and affection of dogs.


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